Chairman’s words

Purenviro is a company in growth. We have reached many of our goals, and established references many countries. Our strategies and combination of knowledge and products seems to fit the market needs.


Purenviro is growing, and our strategy is to continue the growth. Our growth is financed by the running operations without loans or debts. We strive to be a solid and reliable company, for our clients and employees. The continued growth will happen through increased focus on our international networks. We have already successfully worked with the biggest aquatic feed factory in the world, the biggest bauxite refinery and some of the largest wast companies and sewage works in Europe. We hope that the successful references will enhance our growth potential.


Purenviro has a strong focus on expertise and wish to be in the lead. The focus on Purenviro TOM (Total Odor Management) is an example. The system is developed by Purenviro and combines a range of features in the cloud. It is unique on a global perspective, and is marketed worldwide through our network. We think this will bring our products and service to a larger audience.


As a provider of niche products we seek towards networks of other related businesses. We focus on being an attractive network partner, both through our product mix and through management, values and quality. We want to be a preferred supplier by the clients, and a preferred partner in the business networks.

We believe the success stories help us form the basis for further growth